Hardship can strike at a moment’s notice, and firefighters are no different. That’s why we created the Helping Emergency Responders Overcome (HERO) program to lessen the economic impacts a hardship may place on firefighters and their families. The HERO program provides financial assistance to firefighters and their families in the form of direct payments to providers after suffering a hardship.
The main qualifiers for assistance under the HERO program are:
- Suffered a non-work related injury, illness, hardship that results in not receiving a regular paycheck;
- Be a member in good standing with your agency;
- Exhausted all eligible sick, vacation, PTO benefits;
- Exhausted all eligible short/long term disability benefits;
Once these qualifiers are met, our committee will work to provide financial assistance by covering housing, utility, and food expenses through direct pay to the provider and/or grocery prepaid card.
Our Programs
Our Impact
Cancer Prevention
When firefighters sign up for their careers, they know many of the well published risks the career choice carries. However, few realize the extent of the cancer risk until well after they have started their careers.
Cardiac Wellness
Heart disease is a leading killer of firefighters. The Greater Tucson Fire Foundation has provided ultrasounds and other cardiac screening for at-risk firefighters.
Mental Health
A healthy mind is just as important as a physically fit body. Therefore, the foundation has worked to remove the barriers to receiving quality mental health care from culturally informed providers.
Peer Fitness and Injury Prevention
Firefighters Beyond Borders
HERO Program
Hardship can strike at a moment’s notice, and firefighters are no different. That’s why we created the Helping Emergency Responders Overcome (HERO) program to lessen the economic impacts of acute medical hardship.

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